One, Simple Mistake
Ughhh.... I made a typical "goof" last week. After battling for days (ahhh, the joys of correspondence chess!) for a mere one-pawn advantage, I then throw the entire game away in the following position (see left).
I was (of course!) focused on the g4 bishop looming over my e2 rook. I have to move it.
I played the pathetic 30. Rd2 ?? instantly losing. The ol' Chessmaster 9000 reports this as a mate in 6 (30...Bf3 31. Re1 Rxe1. 32. Rd1 Rxd1. 33. g4 Rxg4. 34. Nd6+ cxd6. 35. c4 Rh1#). This is a little above my head, so I actually made things easier. After 30... Bf3, I played, 31. Re3 ??, instantly losing to 31... Rh1# (see left).
Well, what could I have done? I had to play 30. Rd2? or else I would lose the rook, right (30... Bxe2)?
I missed the obvious 30. Rxe8 which leads to white still having a pawn lead (30. Re8+ Rxe8. 31. Rxe8+) (see left). This brillant move takes both of white's rook out of the menacing reach of the g4 bishop.
Days of painfully accurate chess-playing.... all flushed down the toilet in a matter of seconds. Ughhhh.....