I don't get too many talkers during my games. This is both a good and bad thing. Sometimes people are fun and interesting to talk to. Other times they just ramble on and on. One of my favorite forms of chess chatters are trash-talkers.
What a miserable, sad lot these poor souls are. The game below represents the latest of morons I have come across on
???* vs. BlueEyedRook
http://www.redhotpawn.com/ January 2006
Black to Move
Some how I managed to get a piece down toward the middle of the game. At the position above, I get this e-mail from ???.
gg, resign and save us some time so i can beat you again in the rematch.
I was, of course, instantly peeved at his audacity. The sad thing for ol' ??? is that I probably would have resigned, but he had really ticked me off. So the game went on. Somewhere around the 49th move we got to this position.
??? vs. BlueEyedRook
http://www.redhotpawn.com/ January 2006
Black to Move
And now ??? doesn't find himself able to trash talk as much as he would like. I, of course, made him choke on his earlier comment about resigning. What follows is just bizarre:
Bet you feel dumb for sending me this message on the 21. move, huh? "gg, resign and save us some time so i can beat you again in the rematch."
no, not really, i let you win, i was cheating and had the game won but decided to give you the game
Nice gesture on his part.... wouldn't you say.
To ??? and all the other trash talkers out there. Number 1, don't trash talk. Who needs unpleasantness in this already less than pleasant world. Number 2, if you are going to trash talk -- Back it up. Or you might find your name and your embarassment printed out on a web log for all to see.
* Why the ???, you ask? I actually printed the guy's name when I originally published this entry, but in hindsight, I thought it was a little too mean. Afterall, everyone has bad days.... maybe I caught ??? having one. Thus, we'll just leave my little trash-talking loser friend annonymous.